Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (FTI UAD) was visited Prof. Dr. Helmut Erdmann (Flensburg University of Applied Sciences Germany). It was the second time Prof. Dr. Helmut Erdmann visited UAD. Prof. Dr. Helmut Erdmann was welcomed by Vice Rector IV of UAD, Prof. Sarbiran, Ph.D., Dean of FTI UAD, Kartika Firdausy, S.T., M.T., and Vice Dean of FTI UAD, head of Chemical Engineering Department, head of International Affair Office of UAD, and also several faculty members of FTI UAD.

Prof. Dr. Helmut Erdmann delivered a lecture entitled “ Biotechnology and Bioprocess Based Industries. Prof. Dr. Erdmann is an expert in biotechnology, his research is on how to detect contaminants namely bacteria which bring harm to human through meals. Biotechnology can be categorized into 5 different categories, namely biotechnology for industry, biotechnology for environment, biotechnology for pharmacy, biotechnology for oceanography, and also biotechnology for agriculture.

This general lecture is held on Monday 28th of November 2016 in Auditorium Campus 3 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. After delivering general lecture Prof. Dr. Helmut Erdmann conducted discussion with members of Department of Chemical Engineering to discuss about partnership programme between both parties.